Brian Hill
Brian Hill is owner and head coach of The Complete Combatant located in Dahlonega, GA and past owner of Fusion Fitness and MMA until 2020 where the social distancing, illness, and job loss of many students from COVID-19 forced us to close the doors. Brian is a Rangemaster Certified Master Instructor, head instructor in our Image Based Decisional Drills Instructor Certification course, a Modern Samurai Project Endorsed Instructor, has over 40 years as a student/teacher in the Martial Arts, and holds a Force Science Analyst Certification. Brian is an honors gradate from Andrew Baranca’s Law of Self Defense Instructor Program and is a member of Active Self Protection’s Instructor Development Portal and qualified instructor. Brian is also a public speaker, expert witness, a presenter at Rangemaster’s Tac Con & at Active Self Protection's National Conference. Brian competes, continues to practice daily and will forever be a student.
Brian Hill is a Rangemaster Certified Master Instructor with Tom Givens of Rangemaster and has trained in Pistol, Rifle and Precision Rifle for many years as an instructor and a student. Brian is a past Tac Con Presenter and has been invited back to 1 to present two 3 hour live fire blocks in 2021. Brian is a Certified Red Dot Instructor and an Endorsed Instructor with Scott Jedlinki of Modern Samurai Project. Red Dots on pistols are becoming more popular (again) as options for carry weapons and Scott's main focus is in instruction of the Red Dot equipped pistol. Brian will be attending MSP's Instructor Certification course in August of 2020 and we host Scott twice a year at our range in Dahlonega, GA. Brian is a 4th degree Black belt in Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and Karate, a 3rd degree Black belt in Taekwondo and a certified MMA Conditioning Coach. He has been a full time instructor since he was 18 and he personally trains everyday. Brian has graduated from Force Science Institute and holds a Force Science Analyst Certification. This designation attests that the holder has been trained to recognize and articulate important psychological, biological, and physiological factors that can influence human behavior and memory in force encounters and pursuit situations. Like persons trained in accident reconstruction, blood-spatter analysis, and other science-based disciplines, investigators certified in Force Science Analysis will be able to apply their grasp of human dynamics to interpret how and why a force confrontation evolved as it did. Students will also know how to mine the memories of those involved for relevant recollections. This information can be vital to authorities who ultimately must judge the encounter, such as administrators, internal affairs, chiefs, review board members, prosecutors, judges, and jurors. Brian is a certified by Massad Ayoob Group as a Deadly Force Instructor with a passing grade of 99%. Taught personally by Massad Ayoob, this one week 40+ hour course of instruction is offered by the Massad Ayoob Group in conjunction with The Firearms Academy of Seattle, Inc. to teach and certify self-defense firearms instructors in the complicated and nuanced discipline of teaching the legalities of use of deadly force in self-defense. Teaching how to shoot is the easy part. Much tougher is teaching people when and when not to use force, including deadly force, in self defense. In addition to learning what to teach and how to present it, students will also learn how to take their expertise to court, to both serve as a material witness for their students, and perhaps an expert witness in other self-defense court cases.Course content includes:
Brian has GRADUATED with HONORS (A = Excellent per Andrew Branca) from Andrew Branca's Law of Self Defense Instructor Program! This program provides professional-level understanding of the theory and application of self-defense law. We would like GA Residents to consider Robbie Ballard and/or Morris "Mo" Wiltshire as their SELF DEFENSE attorney. We HIGHLY recommend both men listed above. Brian is a member of Active Self Protection's (ASP) Instructor Development Portal and is one of the qualified instructors listed on ASP's Instructor Directory. Brian is a past ASP National Conference Presenter and has been invited back to present several "Mindset & Live Fire" blocks of instruction in 2021. He is also a guest Instructor on Active Self Protections Daily Dry Practice Skill set sessions on their ASP EXTRA channel. Brian Hill is an active Trusted Supporter (past Board member) at Racheal's Rest. Racheal’s Rest is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that offers private counseling and five-day restorative retreat programs designed to address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of survivors. They exist to help women and children who experienced sexual abuse or acts of violence regain their balance in life. Racheal's Rest is Fusion MMA and The Complete Combatant's featured charity. We invite you to visit Racheal's Rest's website and please consider donating a gift of any size. THANK YOU!
Continuing Education/Certifications/Alumni of:
™ & © 2020 The Complete Combatant, LLC, Dahlonega, GA USA. All Rights Reserved
Customer Contact: [email protected] 404-936-6986
Customer Contact: [email protected] 404-936-6986