Smart Choices Expansion Pack Image Cards include 8 Image Cards and are $19.99 each (includes shipping).
There are many different Expansion Packs to choose from.
Please read the descriptions on each Smart Choices Expansion Pack and keep track of which cards you have purchased. Collect them all!
There are many different Expansion Packs to choose from.
- Situation based
- Location based
- Theme based
- Family focused based
- Specific age or gender based
Please read the descriptions on each Smart Choices Expansion Pack and keep track of which cards you have purchased. Collect them all!
“Smart Choices” is dedicated to my parents Thomas Oscar Henry Luehder and Marla Ann Smith Luehder
™ & © 2020 The Complete Combatant, LLC, Dahlonega, GA USA. All Rights Reserved
Customer Contact: [email protected] 404-936-6986
Customer Contact: [email protected] 404-936-6986